===== From skipt1@aol.com: I didn't quite pick up on the sand colored monitor just from looking at the image. Perhaps if you had the camera very close and used the monitor as a kind of ground with the shape/ridges/grooves on the casing as some sort of dunes, with the cactus protruding in the distance. A little more work on the modeling would help. Nice idea though. ===== From tek@evilsuperbrain.com: Quite impressive for 4 hours work. It's a clever idea and I think it would have been worth spending more time on the image. ===== From rgow@lanset.com: Good concept, good modelling. Texture look mostly good except the cactus which looks almost like its hollow with little lights inside it. ===== From i-mcnamara@cornellcollege.edu: It's an interesting idea, and for 4 hours worth of work it turned out quite well. One of the standard Windows backgrounds is a desert, so the connection makes sense. (Your English is quite good, especially compared to my awful Spanish) ===== From enrique.sahagun@uam.es: I have one advice for you, your images will improve if you improve the quality of your render. (Lo que quiero decir (hablemos en castellano) es que solo con mejorar la calidad del renderizado hubiera quedado mucho mejor). A ver si nos vemos en futuras competiciones y conseguimos que el concurso sea bilingue. ===== From ericf@foothill.net: I like the concept, I think changes in lighting and texture, in the desk, for example, would have given a more realistic look. ===== From raytracing@grayproductions.net: Amusing. ===== From file: Good idea need work Notable for originality ===== From file: A very original take on the topic. A scene we can all relate to - staring at a computer screen...on a computer screen. Perhaps the monitor should glow a little more, though. Notable for originality