===== From skipt1@aol.com: I love the redness of the image. Makes it look hellish. bring that fire closer to the camera so you can show off your work. Have the smoke fill the rest of the scene for more drama. The smoke would benefit from a more natural shape and perhaps if the texture got more diffuse the further it got from the fire. Nice job. ===== From tek@evilsuperbrain.com: The use of colours makes me think this would make a good poster. Very iconic. ===== From rgow@lanset.com: I like the mood of this, the red atmosphere gives bleakness to the war theme. Planes are hard to distinguish, having one closer to the camera would help. ===== From i-mcnamara@cornellcollege.edu: Quite a unique image. I love the intense red that you used for... well, everything. It really does work. Awesome smoke, nice tank model, though the texture on the ground could be a little more random and seemingly 3d. Good entry. ===== From ericf@foothill.net: Reasonable concept, but not a lot of detail that I think the scene needs. If I didn't know those were planes, I would have thought they were birds. There is a reddish cast that I'm not clear on the reason for, and the sky has some sudden color gradient changes. ===== From raytracing@grayproductions.net: Certainly relavent. ===== From file: Red!!!