TITLE: Epoque NAME: Daniele Nale & Marco Boaretto COUNTRY: Italy EMAIL: daniele.nale@virgilio.it WEBPAGE: TOPIC: Museum COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. JPGFILE: epoque-final.jpg RENDERER USED: Brazil s/r in 3ds Max TOOLS USED: 3DS MAX 5.0 RENDER TIME: 5 h HARDWARE USED: AMD Athlon XP 1Ghz 512Mb RAM IMAGE DESCRIPTION: The tractor is one of my grandfather’s agricoltural means, a tractor put aside by now. It is turned of, motionless, dipped in the darkness and in the dust of the past, but it the same one keeps on living in the memories. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: All the objects and the ambientatios was modelled by Rhinoceros. Luckly I have the tractor at disposal and than I have had the possibility I have had the possibility of obtaining a detailed object of a careful observation.ù The texturing has been realized by 3ds Max with Brazil s/r. The textures have been obtained by some pothos of my grandfather’s farm, where is preserved the agricoltural means.