TITLE: Glass Art Museum NAME: Bret Anderson COUNTRY: United Stated EMAIL: rowermom3@hotmail.com TOPIC: Museum COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. IMAGE DESCRIPTION: This render is a picture of modern glass art in a museum. The floor is a grainey texture and the pots are all made of glass. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: This image was created using Rhino. I made pots by revolving a curve and making it into a pot. The first pot that i made was the one in the display case. I made the display case by making a skinny rectangle and extruding it and placeing a extruded box on top of it. I made another box and put a glass texture on it. I put the glass box over the nice pot and it made a nice lookin display case. The other pots were also made by revolving the curves. I put a glass texture on the pots and a leaf color on the walls.