===== From helene.dumur@free.fr: A good idea and a wonderful realisation. Great ! ===== From s.day@uel.ac.uk: A very nice model of the clock. ===== From Andreas.Grates@public.uni-hamburg.de: Lives very much on the images of the paintings. Carpets are not so thin! ===== From enrique.sahagun@uam.es: my desire was to have all those paintings at least in my image, but people of the Prado Museum (in Madrid) didnt agree. I like the ambient you have created, piu bello. ===== From greentho@bellsouth.net: Art:Pleasing to look at Tech: Clock is extremely well done. Wood doesn't look natural, and several object a little too shiny A nice varient on the museum theme. ===== From pbrasolin@yahoo.it: Molto carina. Le tessiture delle travi e della scala non sono proprio bellissime, poichè stonano con il generale fotorealismo (penso che le venature delle travi dovrebbero essere nel senso della lungezza, altrimenti si spezzerebbero un po' troppo facilmente). Molto bello l'orologio sul tavolino. ===== From file: Great picture, just didn't convey "museum" to me. A bit dark. ===== From file: Nice. The light is a little stiff, but an overall nice image.