===== From djhouy@paw.za.org: Not great. This picture just does not do it for me, and I find your text file to be out of the spirit of the spirit of the competition, deserving equal feedback to what it provided. ===== From irtc@tomandlu.co.uk: Poor textures, but okay. ===== From the_dark_allies@hotmail.com: Not bad, though purple submarines don’t seem to cut it for me :P ===== From bertram.henze@t-online.de: I like the fine structured sand and the light moon. However, the submarine should look more real (structured, rusty, nuts and bolts, whatever) compared to that. Cover the submarine with your hand - the picture looks much more credible (not because a sub dont belong in the desert, but because the look and feel is more consistent). ===== From gromit@ix.netcom.com: terrain is nicely convincing - it would gain more effect if the sub seemed to interact with it more ===== From mickro.warf@laposte.net: theme respected ===== From file: Notable for originality