TITLE: iPod vs. Obsolete NAME: Nicole Cochran COUNTRY: United States of America EMAIL: lionhearted4ever@netzero.com TOPIC: Opposites COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. JPGFILE: naccont1.jpg RENDERER USED: Bryce 5.5 TOOLS USED: Rhino, Bryce, and Corel Photopaint RENDER TIME: 5 minutes HARDWARE USED: Rhino modeling and bryce rendering IMAGE DESCRIPTION: This image is on a city street with a trash can containing an obsolete form of music playing, a record player. On the right is a typical human hand hold the new age music MP3 player, the Apple iPod. The record player is beat up and the music player of old while the iPod is new and ready for use. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: The record player horn was made by joining curves and polar arraying them around in a circle. The surface was then extrudes and meshed. The mesh was then bent in the shape on the record player horn. The main part of the record player was made by a basic box and filleting the edges to give them a softer feel. The iPod started as a basic box with many pieces boolean subtracted from the whole. The words were pasted on in Bryce to make the iPod look like it is being used.