EMAIL: NAME: Joel R Cook TOPIC: Speed COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: A speeding Bullet COUNTRY: USA RENDERER USED: Povray 3.6 RENDER TIME: 1 Min, 10 Sec HARDWARE USED: Celron CPU 1.80GHz 128 MB of RAM IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A speeding bullet compleat with Smoke Trail, Sound Wave, and Rifeling Groves. I chose not to put in a background because it only detracted from the image. I chose a bullet because there arn't many things faster than one. light is one of the few. Thus we can have a picture of a speeding bullet seemingly frozen in space. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: The bullet: is a cylender with the rifeling groves applied to it as a tecture. then a scaled sphere is added for the tip. next annother cylinder is has a torus subtracted from it and is then subtreacted from the previous shape. the groves are then subtracted from this object which is then textured to form the final product. The Sound Wave: is made of two cones with slightly different angles one subtracted form the other to form a thin hollow cone. This object is then filled with a medium that has a wood density pattern. The Smoke Trail: is made from a simple long cone placed at the back of the bullet and then having a complex density map for the porper smoke effect.