===== From marlo.steed@uleth.ca: The concept is great! The modeling and scene composition work well. While there is an feeling of 3D to the scene (almost any scence needs less of that) but it still is a great image and communicates the message well. ===== From dungbeatle@mail.tds.net: Concept is funny. Humans look a bit plastic. Lighting is good. ===== From 25ct@lineone.net: Nice concert, erm, concept! ===== From bigmouth13091@yahoo.com: i cant see the song, but it would be funny if it was like heavy metal rock or something ===== From raytracing@grayproductions.net: Awesome setting for an iPod, especially considering there are many other ipods in this round! Wonderful level of detail and realism. Nicely done. ===== From y@yahoo.com: Excellent picture, good use of lighting. I couldn't even tell that so much of the picture was CSG until I read your text file. The concept is quite amusing, too. It sounds like someone I know... You made good use of the tools available to you. ===== From file: Such detail! Very well done. That guy must be spending a lot of money to be in the second row and listening to an iPod ===== From file: Nice Notable for composition, lighting