===== From jonas@lhtsse.org: Tengo gusto del concepto. Muchos de la tensión que cosquillea la mente. ===== From helene.dumur@free.fr: it looks like a Douanier Rousseau's paint ! Sorry, I don't speak spanish... It would be better translate in english ===== From marlo.steed@uleth.ca: The concept works well. I am not sure but I think the lighting needs a bit of work. The image seems to lack a sense of depth - not from the geometry but from the lighting. ===== From dungbeatle@mail.tds.net: Textures are rather flat. Sky especially needs improvement. Looks like some misplaced leaves in mid-air. ===== From raytracing@grayproductions.net: Intersting concept, abstract use of the instrument. ===== From file: sweet