NAME:Stephen Lumini TOPIC:Absence COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE:Her Father's Gift COUNTRY:Canada WEBPAGE:N/A RENDERER USED:3D Studio Max ver 4 TOOLS USED: RENDER TIME:6M 33S HARDWARE USED: IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A young girl is taken from her family. Her father is a Sorcerer in a place that turns against them in fear. Her close knit family is torn apart, and she is placed in solitary confinement. Her only consolation in the absence of her family and friends is magic – the gift her father gave her. She is both angry and heart-torn looking at the flower, it is beautiful and reminds her of her family, but is also, as she sees it, the cause of all her pain. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: The majority of the scene (bricks, door, floor, etc) is simple primitives with some noise and basic edit mesh applied. Similar to what can be done in MORAY. The clothes and body are Quad patches shaped into place. There is an excellent tutorial at on how to accomplish these tasks. Finally the flower are simply connected lines with a extrusion of .1 and an 3d Studio filter called Glow.