===== From agage@csee.usf.edu: Interesting idea, but perhaps too short or too simple to realize the idea effectively. ===== From manorton@tcnet.net: Very pleasing motion wise. However there seems to be some sort of jump when you enter the atom. You might want to slow down the part where you enter the center and show the yellow objects orbiting a couple of times. The way it is now it happens to quick. Good job figuring out the clock statment. MANorton ===== From clem@dhol.com: It isn't Tinkertoy or gears. Everyone knows atoms are made of Lego bricks! Seriously, the Bohr atom makes my teeth itch, especially when the supposed orbits are shown as solid lines and even more when they are the same radius. With such a simple subject, you need much more attention to backgrounds and textures. The Tinkertoys are ok, but the ending kind of drags out without anything new happening. More complex gearing with other things happening would have helped. Having the Tinkertoys actually form an underpinning for the nucleus instead of just floating in there would have been good, too. ===== From vansickl@erols.com: Interesting concept, good design, good execution. (vansickl@erols.com) ===== From gregj56590@aol.com: Nice humorous twist at the end. ===== From chrisj@digiquill.com: So that's how an atom works... You have one of the smallest microcosms in this round. ===== From djconnel@flash.net: Funny! Even though it is simple, the humor is nicely done.