MAW.TXT The Planet Maw Project. To render this scene, you need the files MAW.PI, Alexander Enzemann's 'Polyray' ray tracer ( I used version 1.7, but versions 1.5 and newer should work), and the file SANDH.TGA, which is a height field. Rendering this to 'final' quality (adaptive antialias option '2', threshold of 0.2, resolution 640x480) took over twelve hours on a 486dx50 in a DOS window under OS/2 Warp 3.0. I used my favorite modeller to create this scene: graph paper. I'm uploading this file, MAW.PI, SANDH.TGA and a final output image, MAW.JPG together. If SANDH.TGA gets lost, or if, like me, you see that the 'mountains' in the background aren't visible and the foreground land is too flat, try making a 320x320 greyscale image of any sand texture; that's what I used originally and it gave the land more 'character'. ====================================== Who is this guy? I'm Mark C. Stout, a Navy communications technician stationed on Misawa Airbase, in Northern Japan. In about six weeks I'll be leaving the service for the San Fransisco Bay Area, where I expect to be troubleshooting PC's and hope to eventually be doing this 'graphics thing' for a living, though so far the profit side of it has eluded me. Some of my previous efforts appear on my Web page on TGA, at . My address till the first week of October is: CTR2 Mark C. Stout PSC 76 Box 3479 APO, AP 96319-3479 USA Phone: 011-81-3117-62-9549 My 'permanent' address, till I find a home in California, is: Mark C. Stout c/o Martha and Donald Stout 1015 Liberty St. Findlay, OH 45840-2221 PLEASE FORWARD The one address that won't change is e-mail: but there will be a five-week or so gap starting the last week of September while my PC is in shipping. Whew!