Wolfgang Pest Diplom-Informatiker (FH) KONTRON ELEKTRONIK GmbH D-85385 Eching West Germany pestw@kontron.de This is my contribution to the raytracing image contest of December 1994. The theme was "GAMES". The image shows a checkerboard with a chess game situation I found in a chess teaching book from Gerhard Henschel "Freude am Schach". An android named "robbi" is sitting on one side of the board and is study- ing the situation. He has the black figures. WHICH IS THE WINNING MOVE which sets the white king chessmate in three moves ? The image is of size 600x600. The form of a checkerboard requires a square image, I think. The image was raytraced with Rayshade V4.0.6. The image is original in the sense that every object is designed by myself. The idea to design chess figures comes from the user guide included with the Rayshade package, where an incomplete example of a gold crown on top of an otherwise colored chess king was found. The image is not original in the sense that the definitions of the chess figures already existed when the call for the contest with this theme arose. The other objects and the image composition were initiated by the contest. Unfortunately, not everything is completed and there are some errors, but I ran into timeout. However, the idea is visible and the effort should not have been completely in vain. The scene files HENSCHEL179.RAY CHECKERBOARD.DEF.RAY CHESSCLOCK.DEF.RAY ROBBI.DEF.RAY are included. They are not well documented because of my lack of time.. The image was completed 23rd December 1994 in the morning. (I'm just writing this text while it is finally computed). I use a 486DX2/66 machine with 16MB of RAM and run Rayshade under Linux Distribution SLS 1.01 (based on Kernel version 0.99pl9). Have fun with regarding my contribution to the raytracing contest. ----- WoP