Hide-n-Seek (The Game of Life) (c) 1994 Samuel J. Goldstein (goldstein@aerospace.aero.org) Although this may not be a typical "game," I wanted to focus on the game-like aspects to life, faith, and so on. The religious structures aren't meant to be particularly representational (after all, a Gothic Mosque is questionable at best). I also wanted to try a moonlit scene, and to create some nice cloudscapes. Files (included in hide-n-seek.tar.gz): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hide-n-seek.pov Main scene file mountain.pov The scene file used to generate the mountain height field source. mountain.tga 500x200 .tga POV output from mountain.pov stonemod.inc A subset of Mike Miller's outstanding stone texture collection, modified to have a higher ambient value (to simulate moonlit luminence). maz4.tga 320x333 .tga maze picture to use in the height_field. Originally, this was a real, solvable maze, but for various reasons, it devolved into this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Render Time: Under 8 hours at 800x600 with anti-aliasing at 0.3 on a Sun SPARC10 w/ 2 CPUs. I'd tell you the memory and swap space, etc, but the sysadmin has disabled all diagnostic and reporting commands for "security reasons."