/***************************************************************************/ // smiley.pov // by Hero Ngauv /***************************************************************************/ #include "colors.inc" #include "textures.inc" camera{ location <0,0.5,-12> direction <0,0,7> up <0,1,0> right <4/3,0,0> look_at <0,0.9,0> } /***************************************************************************/ light_source{ <-3.5,2.5,-5> color Gray75 } //for the eyes light_source{ <3.5,2.5,-5> color Gray75 } #declare sw = 12 //smile width #declare sb = color Gray50 //smile brightness light_source{ color sb } //for the mouth; as the lights light_source{ color sb } //are spread out wider, the light_source{ color sb } //phong highlights will curve light_source{ <0,-15,-4> color sb } //around the surface of the light_source{ <-sw*1/3,-15,-4> color sb } //sphere, giving the light_source{ <-sw*2/3,-15,-4> color sb } //appearance of a smile light_source{ <-sw,-15,-4> color sb } /***************************************************************************/ sphere{ <0,0.9,0>, 0.75 //the smiley texture{ pigment{ color rgb <1,1,0> } finish{ Metal reflection 0 diffuse 0.3 //this is so the sphere isn't too bright with } //all the lights shining on it } }