Nathan G B O'Brien 33/392 Jones Street Ultimo 2007 Australia email 28.11.95 File description for nobtoon1.jpg Entry for the raytracing competition for November 1995 Subject : COMICS AND CARTOONS Files uploaded : nobtoon1.jpg 800x600 JPG format image of rendered scene nobtoon1.txt This file Source archive SPECIAL THANKS TO Gennadiy Obukhov FOR THE USE OF HIS HEAD OBJECT. (the face of the robot) Who would have thought that a simple subject such as comics and cartoons would be so hard ! Anyway here it is... This image was inspired by the TRANSFORMER CARTOONS. Those realy cool cars and planes that turned into robots. I decided to try and recreate a cartoon character in a comic environment. ie one that contains a dialog within a frozen scene without the use of written words. The title of this image is PURSUIT. The idea is that the Transformer is being pursued through a city street. The only illumination is from the helicopter spot light tracking it. An innocent bystander, YOU, just happens to get in the way. In order to escape the Transformer fires its blasters into your face. WHAT ROTTEN LUCK !. As with my last image all the code was written by hand. Maybe one day I'll take the time to learn one of the many modelling programs around. There is another image to this series titled COMBAT. ps. Both images have been limited to an overall size as close to 100K as possible. This is my first attempt at manipulating JPG settings, I hope the results don't detract from the images too much. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------