Author/Artist : Josh Humphries Files : spiff.jpg - 800 x 768 x 24-bit final rendered image spiff.txt - this description file - archive of models, image maps, etc... Archive Listing for : 2.tif - backdrop starscape spiff - extruded text 'Spaceman SPIFF' shirt.tif - image map for Spiff's outfit spaceshp - model of Spiff's spacecraft decal.tif - image map of 'U.S.S. Hobbes' decal on ship dash.tif - image map of the ship's consoles steer.tif - image map for steering wheel 'BMW' logo mouth.tif - image map for Spiff's mouth oxygen.tif - image map for oxygen tanks behind Spiff's seat x_fract0.tif - image map for distant planet earthmap.tif - image/bump map for earth planet - model for distant planet earth - model for the earth staging - Imagine staging file for the scene Description : I originally modelled a couple of goofy looking-killer robots for this month's topic (detailed image-maps - pretty nice) but I couldn't really find a place for them as far as relating them to comics & cartoons so I eventually scrapped them. I came up with the idea for this while borrowing a book from a friend of mine - a Calvin and Hobbes collection called 'The Revenge of the Baby-Sat'. Being thoroughly entertained by the book, I was hit with the idea of tracing Calvin and & Hobbes. After difficulty making a 3-dimensional Calvin resemble the 2-dimensional drawings of him, I decided to stick with just the model I had - no Hobbes. I noticed a recurring theme of Calvin daydreaming that he was an intergalactic hero named Spaceman Spiff and the goofy thoughts that would shape the final image suddenly leaped into my slowly-dying cranium. All of the modelling was done with Imagine 3.0 for the PC. The final image WAS ray-traced (as opposed to scanline) but since there are no shadows, refractions, or reflections the output would probably look the same either way. The total render time was about fifteen to twenty minutes on my 486 DX4-120 (brand spanking new) with 16 MB of RAM (eight of which are also brand spanking new) - it pays to get a commercial raytracer as far as the rendering times go. The earth image-map was included with my version of Autodesk 3D-Studio (academic price for release 2 was pretty low). The map for the other planet in the background is a plasma-cloud I generated with Fractint. The backdrop image is a starfield (also done with Fractint) interpolated with a plasma (also done with Fractint) with a black -> purple palette (all the interpolating was done by a program I wrote - SVGA Image Processor v3.0 - beware all versions before v3.0 are SLOW and SUCK but v3 is good). All of the rest of the image maps were generated by hand with Adobe Photoshop for Windows version 2. All of the models were also done by hand with Imagine (the hands I did in the Forms Editor, the text at the bottom in the Spline (PS) Editor, and everything else just in the Detail Editor. The lens flare on the image was generated with Adobe Photoshop (50mm wide-angle 67% brightness centered at where the light source in the image was). All-in-all, I'm very pleased with the results, and I hope you like it, too.