===== Great modelling. Clever insignia ===== Expression of "summer" better than most. ===== nicely modeled ===== I WAS GOING TO BLOW THIS OFF BECAUSE I THOUGHT THE JEEP WAS A BORROWED 3D MODEL, BUT WHEN I LEARNED HE BUILT IT USING TEXT ONLY I WAS VERY IMPRESSED! ===== I'm quite impressed by the jeep. Primitives?!?! ===== I like the seats, both shape + texture ===== A nice picture, well-constructed jeep. My only criticism is the wheels - the rims are not smoothly round enough. Connection to "summer" is a bit thin. ===== Nice Jeep ===== Great jeep, great concept. Water is a little too blue; omitting it would have been fine. Love the surfboard and signature! ===== nice jeep model; obviously made of primitives, not just some imported triangle mesh. ===== Nice Jeep ===== Nice picture but it was just lacking in some detail, maybe a different look to the sand?? ===== surfboard looks a little too narrow ===== clouds could be better...sand looks great! ===== Tires are too shiny. They look more like plastic than rubber. Sand needs more color variation. Nice pic. ===== Very clear and accurate Jeep. It does need brake rotors/drums, though! ===== An impressive example of what simple shapes can come together to make. ===== just only 1 object accurated Notable for modelling