===== Great Job Factman! Hight points all the way 'round from me :) ^"^ ===== Nice colours, but the objects look as if they have been glued onto a plane. The artistic content of 10 women floating in the sky is not clear to me... ===== could have made each figure unique to make more interesting ===== wow! ===== Interesting, intriguing - reminds me of those occasional dreams of flying everyone seems to have sooner or later... ===== Nice colors, good modelling ===== Good concept, very nice landscape. Dreamy feeling. ===== overall very nice; very evocative, but ... better glass woman model needed. too busty (=fake!), + mesh facets too obvious, esp. on calf ===== Looks great but by using Poser and and stuff it takes away from the image ===== The black cylindric things on top of the plants kinda mess the "realism" of this scene. ===== What? ===== Would have looked even nicer if girlie had a something respectable in her wardrobe :> ===== collage aparence Notable for modelling