===== like the picture... ===== I like this. I was considering something like this myself. My biggest problem with the image is the textures. Some seem out of proportion and some seem to be "unfinished". A rather striking image, however. Strangely, it took me a while to recognize the stairs for what they were. I think the front part of the steps is a little dark. ===== Too much to look at. ===== Sorry, but since you didn't include the lense flare .inc file in your .zip file I couldn't give you a high score because it is impossible to tell if the lensflare was an after image effect or not. Better luck next time. ===== Absolutely incredible.............. How do I compete with this sort of quality... ===== I really like the way you did the air ship! ===== i really liked this. ===== A little busy Liked the lens flare Didn't like the pattern (wood) on the side of the ship loved the stairs ===== Much detail in the closer objects, excellent textures. However, some of the objects farther away seem to be lacking in detail. ===== Beautiful Image ===== Wow. Man. ===== Very detailed models! ===== A bit crowded with objects, but otherwise well developed. ===== Good use of tools. For some reason, I hate lens flares..... Here's why I hate them: With a flare, you're modeling a *photograph* of reality, one that is flawed, I might add. In my (not so humble, I guess) opinion, trying to make an image that looks like a photograph is as pointless as photographing a painting. ===== Winner. I like this one the most. ===== Neat. How was the airship's balloon done in POV3? ===== This is a very good picture, I like the attention to deatil. However, it is to cluttered. It could have focused more on the ship and less on the repitition of the buildings. ===== The temple in the background looks odd - like an automobile that has a "tweaked" frame. It's twisted on a vertical shear plane and leans in the +X direction. ===== Good - but the scew buildings in the background are irratating ! ===== The air bag, sheild, and cloak are interesting standouts. There is, however, a definite problem on the technical side. the shadows of the spears seem to be cast in spite of the direction the sun is shining. Proportion seems also to have been cast to the wind. ===== I like the corona effect around the sun! ===== Attractive and colourful piece of work. A few minor quibbles: The position of the sun clashes with lay of the point-lightsource shadows. (The flared sun casts no shadows?) A bit a depth-of-field would have reduced background distraction (focus on the foreground elements of airship and shield) adding to depth of the image (The railing almost blends into the bottom-left temple). ===== One of my favorites. ===== I thought things were a bit cluttered. But loved the idea. ===== Nice picture. I knocked you down on Artistic Merit because the scene is so cluttered. ===== The lens flare is very impressive, and it is a very nice image over all. I'd like to complain about something though - the spears. They are a bit too shiny, which gives sort of an "in-doors" look. ===== excellent. ===== Cluttered composition without a consistent lighting model to make the image cohere. ===== Great era to use. I particularly like the columns. Great attention for detail. One question,is it just me, or is the boat part of the ship collapsing the roof of the closest structure? ===== Oh Wow!! That's the best image I've seen in quite a while. I love the interpretation of the theme for a start (I think I've seen the original picture that you were inspired by). The level of detail is what really does it for me - the ivy on the walls etc. My only nitpick - the marble textures are a little 'busy' and tend to make the image a little confused. ===== Beautiful ===== Some of the objects don't have the same kind of detail that is desired after viewing the balloon and ship. Well architected though. ===== some depth of field would increase the interest in this image.... It looks flat at the moment and overcrowded. ===== Very good artistic talent concept did not grab me like some... ===== very nice ===== Lighing seems too unnatural, light sources from both rear and front. ===== Very nice! ===== Hey, the phong effect on the balloon and elsewhere indicates the light source is by the viewer, but the sun glare is *behind* the balloon! ===== The picture looks a bit overloaded... ===== Exquisite detail, but perhaps a little too cluttered ===== This is very impressive, but slightly cluttered. ===== I especially liked the mythological feeling that this work has. My immediate impression was "WOW" and this feeling has stayed. Number one in my book. ===== Cool idea, very good execution. Most colors and textures were gorgeous. Modelling was great. The hex pattern on the gasbag was a bit distracting, and the scene was somewhat too busy.