===== Minumum points given, due to abuse of the deadline extension and postprocessing og image ===== I thought this had an interesting kind of artistry to it, however I found the brightness of it all took away from the artistic effect. A subtler color scheme would have been more pleasing for me. I definitely have to admit to a certain fondness. An interesting result of a last-minute job. ===== Sorry I'm not a real fan of abstract art, it just doesn't seem very polished or detailed. ===== Ah Colours! ===== was unable to figure this piece out. ===== I'm an Abstract picture nut, and love them.. so this picture gets high artistic merit, and average technical.. but it isn't that original. However, the colors in the picture are a tad overwhelming.. try to cut down on all that craziness, color wise. ===== i gave you decent scores due to your honesty in your text file ===== Yes, it is abstract. :) ===== Not very appropriated to the theme, but i like it!(very good color-composition) ===== Well, I really like the spotlights! ===== Dude, I think it's kinda trippy. ===== Nice to see people doing things different. ===== An image doesn't have to be photorealistic to be impressive -- and this is impressive!!! ===== I like it but the riot of colors is a bit too much. ===== Where is the flying thing ? ===== What's flying here?? ===== How... abstract... I almost didn't see what this had to do with the topic due to the central "yellow smear". ===== Wow! There is alot to look at here. Good work! ===== Kinda reminiscent of Salvador Dali or something. ===== Wow, I think... ===== I have to say that I didn't really know *what* to make of this picture - but I did give it more than 3 points... :-) ===== Loud and a good picture, just not very close to theme ===== I'm feeling a little woozy.... ===== This, if nothing else, was different. But it wasn't as bad as you make it out to be in your description. It's abstract, but neat. Very psychadelic. ===== actually, the non-standard use of color and composition works a lot better than most of the entries to this competition i've seen yet (since the beginning) Perhaps doing it quickly actually required you to run on instinct and allowed for some happy-accidents, whereas ordinarily you'd let your attention control too much. ===== Wild use of colors and design. Nice use of light. ===== Picture was not a eye catching more eye hurting the colors were wonderful but too busy... ===== I like it. ===== Too bright. ===== Can be too busy ===== Really bright, the bird gets quite lost in the background ===== It is original! (And, for me anyway, that matters a lot.) ===== Dazzling ;-) ===== Huh??? ===== Gorgeous colors. Interesting concept. What are those tubes at the bottom?