===== Aaaaaaaaaaargh ... ===== I'd love to see that Meshmaker as GNU software ===== Everything in this picture needs some work. First your colors just don't mesh well together. Second the model of the lizard women isn't very convincing. The ground isn't very realistic either, a little to jagged. ===== Love the wings ===== You get low marks for modeling my wife. ===== Cool concept. The rendering is good - the composting of the images is not very good. ===== Brilliant use of height fields for clouds!, this meshmaker (I can't believe there's not another program called that already!)looks promising! ===== When rendering "real" objects, don't place them so close to the camera, the wings could be much larger to support the larger body and are not possitioned for flight. All in all a good idea, a little more practice on positioning of objects and your set! ===== Good sky colors. One thing. The specular reflection on the left (image-left, not the lizard woman's left) makes it look like the lizard woman was hung in front of a poster. Soften the reflections in foreground objects to get a more realistic appearance. ===== Nice, but the texture on the lizard woman and the ground should contrast more. Good overall. ===== Great illustration style -- very bold use of color. ===== Great wings. ===== Pretty darn good for a 386! ===== This would have been interesting at greater color depth. The anatomical details seem out of realtion to each other, but then it *is* an alien lifeform. The right wing of the female firgure shows as the best part of this image. I hope that the artist is encouraged to continue working on Meshmaker and that he will share this software. I also hope he is able to upgrade his hardware; there is obviously more talent showing here than the 8-bit color depth allows. ===== Yes, please release MeshMaker as shareware. And please support .pov format :-) The woman is certainly and accomplished model, and I like the sky. The ground seems a little gratuitous. I mean, it's a bit (Hmm, the ground... I know, I'll do a height field!). and her feet rather blend into it (ok so you had onyl a few colours to work with). Other than that, great! ===== doesn't look like she's flying ===== The creature is wonderfully detailed, however you need a bit more antialiasing for the rendered. A more powerful computer perhaps? ===== The mesh is OK. Next time use a Pentium and a little more of perspective. ===== Good luck with MeshMaker! It looks like a promising product. You'll have to let us all know when you release it! ===== Very nice for a 386. ===== Good use of background colors lack techincal detail.... ===== Release MeshMaker so you can afford a few upgrades. :) ===== Impressive facial expression ===== don't get me wrong, the image is good, but it looks much more like a cartoon or illustration than a raytrace. also, it's pretty static - change her pose and offset her in the frame, give her some life! ===== Should be entitled "Flying Golem" (g). Nice idea, roughedged execution. ===== Very stiff and artificial. Nice colors, though.