===== Good lens flare, was it done with POVray? ===== Some antialiasing would be good. ===== clouds look funny... ===== Like the overall color scheme. I think I'm getting tired of lens flare effects, and this image really could have used some antialiasing, however I didn't rate the image based on those two feelings. I would have liked to see the aircraft from a better angle, but that might have taken away from the artistic quality of this image. ===== I love the Beech StarShip, but your use of lensflare killed your score. ===== The clouds look like rocks ===== Anti-aliasing would have scored a few more points for the finished rendering. ===== Nice idea, but why the halos?--why simulate a camera defect? Also, to "muddy." ===== I think the cloud coloring could have been done better. They look like rocks. ===== Anti-aliasing would have done wonders for this image. ===== You should have anti-aliased the image. Too many jagged edges on the all the models. ===== Great lighting effects! ===== Clouds are kinda weird. ===== Very nice mood...how was the lens flare done? ===== How did you make the lens flare? ===== I feel that a touch of anti-aliasing would have helped this image. I'm finding that too much can have a blurring effect, depending on the image, but in this case it would have nicely smoothed the jagged edges of the plane's wings... ===== This was a nice, quick image, but the clouds could use some work. ===== cool plane ===== antialias ? ===== Interesting use of color. ===== Anti-aliasing would have helped this image. ===== Wonderful use of the sunrise ===== Next time render it with +A0.3 ;It's worth the wait! If you did, then I'm an idiot. ===== I LOVE the Beach Starship: again, a rough edged execution of a nice theme. ===== Great model. Good composition and lighting, great colors. Props look too static, clouds look "hard", lens flare a bit overdone. Whole picture needs more anti-aliasing. ===== I think it would be better with anti-aliasing turned on...