===== Certainly original! ===== Now this looks great - er - hot? ;) But if I see the picture alone, I don't get the connection to flight. ===== I don't like this (it looks like hell). But I'm giving high marks anyway. ===== Although as soon as I saw the filename "chariot.jpg" I thought "Hmm.. probably Apollo", I'm afraid this image lost out on theme. Without the description, there isn't really anything about this image that suggest flight in any way. Aside from that, great image. Love the effects. ===== The picture would've looked better from different angle, in my opinion. Also, the background is too distracting for you to concentrate on the chariot. -hl ===== Awesome interpretation of theme and stunning image, which took my breath away! One of the best of the competition. (Oh great last name too.) ===== Nice stuff. If the red flames was offset with a background colour the effect would have been more dramatic. ===== it was too bright and there was not enough conteast beteen the charroit and the fire. nice idea and work. ===== Very detailed explanation of your concept there! And quite an interesting one, too. ===== Stunning! ===== I would have gone higher in my ratings if there had been more contrast. The scene appears to be as congested as my nicotine filled lungs. Hint: Use black to offset massive doses of red. ===== Nice. A little colour contrast in the background would help give the image greater depth (ie a bit of clear sky) ===== A Beutiful image. But having said that... Flight? I think you're reaching a bit. Maybe having it arc through the sky would have "flown" a little better. ===== No relation to flight ===== Great colours, very effective for a simple text-made shape. Certainly godly! ===== It might have been even more impressive with Apollo in the chariot and/or the horses pulling it. You can find some of the models of people and animals on the net, and adding fire to them would make them look "less stiff". All in all a great idea (wish I'd thought of it)! ===== I wish other artists gave as much thought to the theme and originality as you obviously did. Great job. Certainly "fiery"! ===== Scary. It looks quite hot! ===== Awesome and inspiring. ===== What a spectacular image! ===== great image! Very intense and original. Excellent job on the flame effect and the textures. ===== Very impressive!! ===== Visualy stunning. Impressive use of fire. ===== Very original, and well executed. Certainly fiery :-). However, the chariot is dead-center and symmetrical. This, combined with the way its near-perfect reflectivity blends it into the background makes it all seem a little still and formal. The 'meanings' of the chariot's design are a nice touch, but they are completely hidden unless we are told about them. It would be nice to make them more obvious, perhaps by making the chariot more detailed, and adding little clues. ===== I wish this image was more of an action shot because otherwise I really liked this one. ===== If I hadn't read your accompanying description, I wouldn't have had a clue as to what this has to do with flight. Good flaring effect but the reflective chariot is almost lost in all the turbulance. ===== It's too red. It'd be a lot cooler if it's more like the chariot, with fire spewing from it, on a black background or so to increase contrast and to more clearly define what the chariot is. ===== Well done! Like your approach to the theme. ===== Wow!! I -love- this image. Overall I scored it a 20 straight through. The flame textures are simply breathtaking. I've got the major hots for the source code for this one! dragon@foothill.net ===== unbelievable reflections and fire ===== I just *love* the colours! ===== The author is right; this image is very original. And the text file description is a very good thing to have: I was going to give this image a bad score on on grounds of Satanism, but I suppose that a pagan Greek (Roman?) god isn't as bad as Satan. The image itself is very good looking, despite its lack of any non-orange-based colors. I even set it up as my Windows wallpaper, although I'm not sure how long it'll last. It's quite bright, and it may begin to hurt my eyes. :-) ===== Extraordinary use of color. The image has an abstract quality that suits the subject. ===== Very good insight into the picture. It's always refreshing to know why thing are the way they are. ===== Lacks the proper interpretation of theme wonderful Artistic and Technical skills ===== A good idea, a little wasted ===== Very well done! ===== overall i liked it but there were (if you think about it) only a small handfull of colors used for the whole image. beautiful colors are enhanced by their comparison to other colors. just my 2 cents... good job! ===== Really, really cool. ===== A dazzling scene - and you were right, brilliantly original! Made it into my top ten for that reason. ===== This is beyond the beyond!!! Straight 20s!!! Incredible!!! ===== How do we know that this is a flying chariot ? It is looking more like lava than atmosphere ! But anyway, I like this image ! ===== The chariot of the Sun God somehow didn't signify flight to me. ===== Very rich warm coloring. Quite an original concept. Great modelling on the chariot. ===== Nice work on fire and reflections...