===== You get points for using the IRTC logo... ===== Why there is a pepsi logo? ===== I love 'V', I'm glad they are finally included in the competition! ===== V ===== Get them nasty lizards! ===== More Balloons. Ho Hum ===== good job varying the design on the baloons themselves, the irtc blimp was pretty cool too. ===== It'isn't easy to make an image using VistaPro look bad, and this is no exception, but the flight theme isn't brought forward enough ===== Ah, a shameless plug for POV-ray. But nicely done. The scene looks a little "busy", tho. ===== Although I must admit that you have a good, crisp image, I find it dull rather than inspiring. A couple of birds flying beneath the balloons would have improved the image greatly. ===== Great layout -- pity it's so dark. ===== I think the use of an image as a background works pretty well here. The ballons are simple but effective, and well placed. The aricraft, sun, and airship all add to the scene, rather than being gratuitous. I like it. ===== add a few things and resubmitt it, eh?? ===== That Vistapro makes the foreground objects boring in comparison. A little more detail in the air vehicles, or less on the landscape! ===== What a great idea for an image map of your favorite links. You could call it "Gettin around" ===== Never seen such beautiful Easter eggs. ===== The lighting seems odd on the mountains ===== A little empty in the upper third; a lot of blue space. Otherwise a fantastic image. ===== Maybe if you shaped the balloons into a bit more of a ... umm ... cone shape if you see my thinking? ===== gOOD USE OF COLOR AND THEME ===== Good use of image maps! ===== I don't get it. ===== good image. composition is toward the edges of the image. planes and balloons are "standard" ideas and not really original ===== More balloons... not as nice as previously rated images. ===== V was so long ago I've forgotten most of it. And I couldn't tell a thing about that aspect of the image until I read the text file. Nice colors and textures, though, and cool mountains.