===== More spaceships, how original ===== I hate mechs. ===== Good modelling and nice use of atmosphere but it would have been nice if it just wasn't standing there. ===== Nice. Excellent background effects. ===== Interesting image with good texturing ===== Oops: the wing extrude fill is missing... ===== The mech is really nice, but I don't like that the maountains are "hollow". ===== Good artistic ability lacks fine detail and clarity ===== There is no flight in this picture! ===== I like your color choices. ===== I like the flaked paint texture on the mech. ===== Seen one mech, seen 'em all. ===== Ugh, mechs. "I know, we can put *wings* on it!" Nice bright orange, near miss with the corrosion (it's a good texture, but in the wrong places.) ===== Not really related to the current topic: only the wings...