===== Great concept, bad execution. ===== Didn't really look like jet exhaust to me, and the ball didn't give the sense of motion. ===== The ball looks very nice. Some motion blur and perhaps some more variety in the landscape would help. Also, the clouds could be done with a more convincing texture. ===== This is too dull. ===== The sky & ground don't do anything for me. How about using giant spheres instead of planes? The curved surface would look much better. ===== The golf ball looks greazt but the lanscape and background are too flat. ===== Ball appears to be stationary ===== Judging from the background, that hole must be a par 1000. ===== Nice golf ball. ===== interesting concept ===== I don't really understand why the golf ball is leaving a heat trail behind it. Perhaps it has arrived from outer space? :-) ===== I would never have thought of a golf ball in flight, but then again, I don't golf... ===== Nice golf ball. I'm sure it will look wonderful in some picture about sports. Also, lose the red stuff.