===== I love the hair! Curtains good too. The only let-down, perhaps, is that the sheets are too smooth. Overall, very nice image. ===== ===== Ewwww! I like this better than the wasps! The kid looks like he's bald and his head's on fire, but I'll count that in for Artistic Merit or something. Wasn't very fond of the textures for the sheets or the walls, but the carpet was ok. Everything else is quite well done. Made it to the last 10 images. ===== The mosquito looks a little too bloby, but otherwise the image is modelled well. ===== perhaps the bug shouldbn't have been so shiny ===== I laoughed out loud when I saw the image---very nice! I think the blurryness of the insect shadow is a *positive* effect. Shadows *should* be soft. ===== I actually think the shadow looks fine. If it was sharper, that would indicate that the insect were larger in comparison with the light source. Because the shadow is faded and soft, It has the efffect that an insect flying just in front of a light bulb ought to create. ===== Creepy!!! ===== That's one scary looking insect. I like the effect of the open window on the curtains. Nice touch. Good viewpoint also. ===== Hi again, I noticed Finland right off the bat this time. I also noticed the color is more balenced. Nice picture. ===== Eeeek! Where is my can of bug spray and my double-handed flyswatter and my shotgun ? That bug is creepy! ===== N Kita impresses once again, but not quite as good as amp. Though good nontheless. ===== Your truly ugly insect makes my blood crawl (like the poor insomniac)! Well executed. The shadow could be sharpened using a smaller light source but this would have a negative effect on other shadows (the curtains). The solution is perhaps a programmable shader... ===== Ooh, nasty mosquito! ===== The curtains look excellent. The child's hair look pretty weird, though, and the floor could have used some anta-aliasing. ===== gOOD DETAILS GOOD CONCEPT ===== Nice image, creative idea. ===== great image - but i really believe in using a bit less external imaging tools - this image could have been done almost completely with povray. other than that it's great! ===== Eyuck! Very good. ===== YUK! ===== This image brought back unpleasant mosquito memories... ...which is to say that it did its job well artistically (it invoked an emotional response). ===== Cute scene. Bug is way too shiny. Kid looks like the baby from Pixar's TIN TOY but with smoke coming from his scalp. Very nice effect on the curtains. ===== The insect texture is... disgusting! :-)