===== Blur and plume on the missile look good. ===== > Yes, I actually drew a sketch of the scene before going anywhere near the computer. That's the real creative part, isn't it? I did the same for my scene. the motion effect is captured pretty good, I think. ===== A little be too real looking, I'd say... Great description! ===== Hmm. *VERY* good looking image. Would almost think it was photographic. Really must take a look into your BMRT at some point. :-) JPEG artifacts were not kind to this image, unfortunately. -- 4th place in my books. The most photorealistic image of the bunch. Truly excellent rendering. The biggest place your image lost out in my ratings was originality, I just can't get excited over a fighter plane when the topic is flight unless it's something really really special. Yours was, which is why this is the only plane image in my ratings to make it anywhere even close to the top. Very good! ===== Shouldn't the smoke coming out from the missile be grayish? And maybe you wanted to do this, but everything looks too blurry. -hl ===== I really like the smoke trail! ===== Next time read the rules before entering ok. No motion blur, and while it is ok to use other peoples model, it is frowned upon. I don't care whether you wrote your own rendering tools, so could I but you didn't get any awesome effects that 3DS release 3 couldn't have accomplished. As for everybody having hardware that ranks near a Pentium Pro 180 take a flying leap. Most people have 486's sitting on their desktops at home, not SGI machines. Go back to Pixar, and lose the I'm better than everybody else attitude while your at it. ===== Nice ===== It'd be better if you used your OWN models. ===== It's unclear from your terminoloy what a "shader" is - does this have to do with shading (how light falls on a texture) or with the texture itself??? ===== Would have been better if it had been a direct hit. ===== Some attention to your name and email address (ie font type, size, colour) would stop them distracting from what is a well executed image. ===== Nice effects... shouldn't the back end of both missile and aircraft be glowing a bit more though? Then again, I may be thinking a little cliched... :) ===== Beautiful results - not very original. Excellent in the technical department. ===== The wings seem a bit small, good colours and lighting, clever way to do a missile path! Not that original, though... I wonder how many more of these I'll see... ===== Check the relationships of the models, the path of the missile was not tracking the aircraft.... ===== Nice blur effect, and you went to a lot of work to get everything looking "just so." Some voters may fault you for blurring it, but to me it gives the sense of motion at high speed. Good job. ===== I showed this picture to a buddy. "It's a photograph" he says. Good enough for me. The light colors on the plane do it, IMO. I would be interested in seeing the plastic panel shader. ===== Nice and complete text file. I would have actually preferred no motion blur and instead had a nice crisp image. The missile looks like is was drawn in with a cheesey paint program using the spray paint tool. Overall I'm less than impressed. ===== Cocky Fella. ===== A very dramatic image - well done. ===== Great job Larry. It is really good to see your images in the competition. ===== For all the techincal stuff that went into this picture, it looks kinda sloppy and blured. While this would have been a great image if it's been captured on film, it's lousy on a computer. ===== Too much blur. Should have modelled aircraft rather than use other's work. ===== Nice picture, but hardly an original idea. The execution is excellent, especailly the colours which I think are great. The best thing of all though is the long description of how this was made. Thanks! It is nice to see some non-pov tools being used. ===== Thanks for the lecture on (and insight into) what commercial-quality production rendering life-cycle is like. Don't worry; I'm already sold on the necessity of programmable shading. Truly excellent motion blur! Hope to see more BMRT work in the future. Have you considered doing this for a living? :-) ===== I really really really like the realisim of this image. ===== Great display of the use of BMRT ===== A kick ass image, useing public domain models is fine by me, if the creator gave it away. ===== Good image; just about as photorealistic as they get. I didn't like the motion blur very much, though. I think that the author should have simulated a camera with a slightly faster shutter speed. All the motion blur really seems to do is make the image look out of focus. ===== Neat idea with the bomb missing the target. ===== Good color. Blurring is good. Composition: 75/100. ===== Flight Combat graphics are the norm today in games, fuzzy appearance to image. ===== Bit excessive on the motion blur, still looks a bit pixeley ===== Wonderful background lacks orginality ===== sgi.... I don't know.... ===== Very good rendering. A bit too much expensive, too (not everyone has SGI to render on, pity!) ===== very blurry all around. I would have been much more impressed if the plane had been original and not "borrowed" ===== Jeez, it looks like a screen capture from a Time Life Video. Nice! ===== Most realistic fighter representation: Top Gun award (g). ===== Very nice image, excellent use of motion blur. I'd say writing your own ray tracer qualifies you for a "20" in the technical merit category. Only criticisms are: A bit too much blur on the missile, perhaps, and maybe not enough on the plane? Also, the theme was pretty standard. My next entry will use BMRT, without fail! It does too much good stuff to pass up. Thanks also for the excellent technical explanation of the scene and its genesis.