===== 74 hours?! I knew Pentiums were crap at floating point, but that's rediculous! ===== Trial and error is right, more error I think. ===== I like the fish! ===== Extremely Dull. ===== good choice of camera angle. ===== I really like the rainbow effect on(under?) the water. The details of the bug in front seem to blend into the background. ===== What weird weather. Texture on wings is good but the rest is way too saturated. The contrast throws off the continuity of the bodies. ===== Pretty Morbid thought... ===== How did you make the flashy stuff in the lower left corner? ===== Nice raiders! ===== unique concept ===== What on earth (or perhaps not...) ===== Nice wings. Rest of the scene looked like a ray tracing sample scene or something--standard bozo texture, clipped spheres, stock sky, etc. ===== Strange things...