===== Love the poses. Would have liked to have seen more to the image, ended up looking just a little cluttered. Rated pretty high in my books though; near to, if not in the top ten. ===== Flying slugs anyone? ===== I like the way you managed to get a large number of critters all different without coding each one... I'll definatly be checking out your code... :) ===== VERY impressive technique for creating your positionable Wigglers. Isn't it fun what you can do with #while and #rands and #ifs? ===== great wiggler 8)... and with a pentium pro, you should use povray for windows (32 bits) since 16 bits prg are slower on a pentium pro than on a pentium ===== THe background effect is quite nice. Impressive wings. I appreciate the lack of pre-built models and modelers. ===== I would have prefered the mountains rising out of the mist, or even more, just looking up with some type of foliage as a canopy. ===== Some great movement in this picture. ===== Background looks good. More ambient light on the critters? Shows technical skill at manipulating modelling techniques. ===== "wyrms" are nicely modelled and I'm sure would look even better in an animation. As a single still a more interesting background would have been desirable but it makes a good poster illustrating the versatility of your models. ===== Simple ,but Elegant! That's how I like it! ===== This is simple and nice and the background is perfectly faded. ===== I was impressed by the amount of control you could exert over your wyrms, merely with POV-Ray itself! I would love to get a look at the code, to give me a few pointers ('cos I'm just getting started...) :-) ===== Nice Planet. ===== Great bodies in each representation ===== lacks color and details good concept ===== I like this. One of my favourite scenes. I particularly appreciate the trouble the author has gone to to put the wyrms into different poses. So many scenes have a dozen exact duplicates of one object, and it always looks subtly false. The wyrms' skin texture is very good as well. ===== I don't know what they are but they're CREEPY!!!! ===== I suppose the suck blood, too? Not a bad scene, nice background, good colors, okay posing on the various critters. The wings looked a bit ... off, too something or not enough of something else, I don't really know.