TITLE: emflgau NAME: Emilio Matesanz COUNTRY: SPAIN EMAIL: matesanz@iponet.es TOPIC: Flight COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. JPGFILE: emflgau.jpg RENDERER USED: Povray 3.0 for Windows TOOLS USED: Breeze Designer 2.0RENDERER TIME: 0h 57m 44s HARDWARE USED: 486DX2IMAGE TITLE: Autumn flight IMAGE DESCRIPTION: If you careful look at the fallen leaves in a sunny autumn day, you'll be able to see, flying down, ... :-) In a less poetical way: This image comes as a combination of the proposed topic and the season when the creation starts. The main figure in the scene, the wooden model, is a classic in raytraced images and easy to build and move with good results. HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: (Zip file with source povray code are not included because they are working files, not very clean, really untidy, and still under construction. Anyway these files are available for people interested. Just email asking for them.) I'm new in raytracing and I'm not sure about the right process to follow in an image contruction, but I personally take care about two main aspects: technical, and artistic. Technical aspects: (how I made ...) (All the objects in the scene have been created for this image) - Wooden model: The model has been worked by hand, with no modellers, using some basic shapes and CSG operations. The texture used is EMBWood1 included in the povray textures file. The texture has been rotated in different angles for each wood piece in order to get a less symmetrical look. Variables controlling movements for every joint have been placed in the scene code. - Leaves: The leave (indeed there is only one, rotated and translated in a random way) was modelled with the Breeze Designer as a Bezier patch. The texture has been done with a basic colour map with some transmitance and a normal modifier (wrinkles). Over this basic texture an image_map is added with the leaves ribs. This image is made fully transparent for the background colour, and some transparent for the other colours. The leave has been completed with a cone. - Wings: The only leave modelled is also used for the wooden man wings. The wings movements are linked to the arms. In order to get some movement impression in the wings, several transparent leaves has been added with some small displacements with respect to the "real" leaves. - Clouds an sun: Clouds are an emiting halo with a spherical colour map and a lot of turbulence. The container is a sphere asymmetrically scaled. An emiting halo spherically mapped placed behind the clouds has been used for the sun. One of the lights in the scene takes this shape. - Lights and atmosphere: Three point lights defined shadowless in order to avoid not desired shadows from the randomly placed objects (fallen leaves). Also this contributes to get a diffused atmosphere, together with the ground fog almost white and the plain SkyBlue background. Artistic aspects: (Difficult to speak about) Colours has been chosen to get some contrast with the blue background: from yellow to orange and red. For leaves I have added some transparence, trying to get soft colours in combination with the fog. The fog also gives depth to the scene. The wooden model is the only object in the scene that looks like a solid. In the image composition I use mainly oblique lines, trying to get some movement impression. The horizontal clouds fringe is placed for contrast. The figure is placed almost in the center trying to attract the attention, being the scene main focus got by the model head. I'll appreciate your comments on the scene and the resulting image. Acknowledgements.- To the IRTC admin team for doing possible this competition as a meeting point for amateurs raytracers. Thanks to all the people who have programmed the Freeware soft I've used for this image: Povray, Breeze Designer.