NAME:Christophe "tOrOne" CUSSAT-BLANC TOPIC:School COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE:Don't Speak COUNTRY:France WEBPAGE: RENDERER USED:povray 3.0 beta TOOLS USED:xemacs(for the sources), X-Fig (for the paper) RENDER TIME: HARDWARE USED: Sparc IMAGE DESCRIPTION: When I was young, my teacher always tell me that I was talking to much with my friends, and give me lines... DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: I've no modelers, so I've had to do all by myself. The difficulty was to used bicubic-patch and surfaces of revolution (with spline) without any tools exepts papers and pen. And I'm a newbie, It was not easy to imagine the result of the rendering before running povray... So, to help me to see how the scene will be rendered, I've make a draw before and I've then try to do the same with PovRay. I've worked one mounth on this image. The greatest difficulty of this image was the condle. It is very difficult to use blobs and lathes without modeler. And except for the body (which is a cylinder), all is made with blobs and lathes.