EMAIL: NAME: Mario Becroft TOPIC: Physics & Math COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT TITLE: Calculator with tools COUNTRY: New Zealand WEBPAGE: RENDERER USED: Phoenix Object Renderer 2.0 TOOLS USED: Cyber Sculpt RENDER TIME: approximately 12 hours HARDWARE USED: Motorola 68030 16Mhz, 16MB RAM IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Calculator with compass, ruler, pen and books. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: All of the objects were designed with Cyber Sculpt, a 3D modeller. The wood texture was created with POV-Ray (since Phoenix Object Renderer does not have the necessary features to get a good wood texture) but most other textures were generated with Phoenix Object Renderer. Since Phoenix Object Renderer does not support anti-aliasing, the staircase effect is very visible on this image. I did this image mainly to try out Phoenix and related tools on a "real" project. Now I know that I will not use it like this again, it just can't cope.