TITLE: "Feathers" McGraw & the Wrong Trousers NAME: Daniel Corley COUNTRY: USA EMAIL: dcorley@umr.edu WEBPAGE: http://www.umr.edu/~dcorley TOPIC: Arts & Entertainment COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. JPGFILE: feathers.jpg RENDERER USED: POV-Ray for Windows TOOLS USED: SPatch, PSP 4 RENDER TIME: 20 hours HARDWARE USED: P5-133 IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Here we see the villianous penguin 'Feathers' McGraw as he devises his plans to steal the priceless Blue Diamond from the city museum with the aid of Wallace and Gromit's Techno Trousers. Thanks go to Aardman Animations and Nick Park for such a delightful set of characters. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: Here's a quick summary of the how & why: * Used SPatch to model the penguin, using seperate layers for the body, beak and feet. * Used SPatch to create the easy chair and the ottoman. * Used SPatch to create the lampstand. * Drew the wallpaper pattern by hand with PSP 4.0. * Used the warp { } statement and a slope_map to create the wood floor and the braided rug. * The book is from a scene that I did several years ago. The title, though you can't see it, is 'Electronics for Dogs'. * Used lots of area_lights and focal blurring. * Also used a hand-drawn image_map to cast the shadow of the Techno Trousers against the wall. ** NOTE: This image is far from complete, because when I was faced with the option of Sleeping, Studying, or Ray-Tracing, I had to choose Sleeping and Studying. ;) **