TITLE: SunsetStage NAME: Paula COUNTRY: USA EMAIL: gold@mvillage.com WEBPAGE: http://www.mvillage.com/~gold TOPIC: Arts & Entertainment COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: 100% Bryce2 (demo version) TOOLS USED: none RENDER TIME: 38 minutes HARDWARE USED: PC/win95 IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Inspired from the county fair, this image is an outdoor stage with lighting for evening use. Very few textures were used to keep the image basic and not too *busy*. My focus was on the spotlight affect from the stage light. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: Created in Bryce2 from a straight on view, with occasional flipping of all views to verify perspective. Used basic shapes and textures. I had to put a *special* square light pointing at the ground lamp in order to see the *bulb*. The *worn* path to the right of the steps was one of those things that luckily "just happened".