===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: Intriguing. Nice watery plane texture. In spite of all the golden objects, this somehow does not capture "solid gold" for me. The textures seem too dull, orange, and transparent. I would do two things: add a slight bit of waviness/bumpiness to the textures (which eliminates the transparent look caused by the perfect reflection of the horizon), and add some rounded edges that pick up shiny highlights from the light sources: try using superellipsoids. ===== From wozzeck@club-internet.fr: I think it is not a very good idea to set your columns exactly perpendicularly to the ground: as a result, and as they have nearly no "own" appearance, they seem to be transparent... ===== From bsieker@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de: If that's meant to be gold I think's it's way too less reflective and too "red". And remember that a laser beam can either not be seen at all or by the light reflecting from dust and water particles in the air. Thus is usually shines very brightly. It can _never_ make parts of the world behind it appear darker! Your "beam" appears to be a solid rod because it is darker than things behind it. Moreover I cannot subscribe the point of view that entertainment industry is "solid gold". ;-) Rather the opposite. ===== From Martin.Magnusson.7121@student.uu.se: Good concept. ===== From arcana@sinbad.net: In your text file, you talk of honoring the "gold" quality of the entertainment industry, and I can see that much of the image is based on that. However, pure gold has a softer, less reflective quality than what you used in your geometric shapes. Beyond that, It's a very good abstract image. A bit too abstract in that without the txt file to point the way, the viewer will have difficulty determining what it represents. But, then again, that's part of the fun of abstract. it does, however make it hard