===== From roth@ens.ascom.ch: great texturing! ===== From klynn@minn.net: great texturing and lighting! ===== From jknepley@nyx.net: You did a great job of conveying the size of the structure. The texture looks good, too. I would have experimented with lighting a little more as the top of the third pillar from the left loses some detail at the top. ===== From djconnel@flash.net: Nice modelling job!!! The stone texture on the ceiling looks a little wierd, but otherwise it is quite effectively done. The sky could use a bit more creativity, as, perhaps, could the light, but still it is a striking shot. The lowest score is on originality and concept, as it is as much architecture as engineering... the best in this category are suitable for engineering textbooks.... there really aren't any fundamental engineering principles evidenced in this image. However, just from the artistic and technical aspect, it is one of my favorites (much better than mine!) djconnel@flash.net ===== From castlewrks@aol.com: The angle chosen for this render is interesting, but fails to give a true "view" of the building... it would have been more interesting to have seen more of the acropolis recreated. ===== From sonya_roberts@geocities.com: Very nice! I like the camera angle you've chosen - while it does obscure the details of the frieze in the lintel, it also shows off the height of the columns to good effect. ===== From kaustin@tgn.net: From the thumbnail, I wasn't expecting much of the image. I'm pleased to say the full sized version dispelled that expectation. Nicely done, including the wooden inner building. The carved figures in the ceiling stand out. ===== From daves@wkpowerlink.com: Incredible. When I saw the thumbnail, I thought I was looking at a photograph. ===== From chipr@niestu.com: Beautiful image, excellent color, texture, and detail. Interesting perspective, good choice of subject. ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: Impressive. Camera point of view makes the structure very imposing. ===== From arcana@sinbad.net: A very nice image, if an unusual camera angle (which I presume was to eliminate the need to add in surrounding detail). I would have tried to make seam lines in the columns for the different segments in the column's construction. Were the bas relief carvings actually modelled, or were they texture maps? ===== From wozzeck@club-internet.fr: Nice modelling of the Parthenon. About the sky... ===== From ethelm@bigfoot.com: An excellent image! ===== From jaime@ctav.es: Nice compostion : interesting camera view. ===== From bsieker@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de: I think the textures of the stone are too strong, very nice modelling and good camera settings otherwise. ===== From lpurple@netcom.com: Interesting perspective, gives power to the scene. ===== From r@dial-up11.webbernet.net>: The neck craning perspective adds drama to the image and I like the grilles. I wish, however, that we could see more of the building. ===== From r@bowerbird.cc.uq.edu.au>: Notable for modelling, composition, textures ===== From r@sharry.demon.co.uk: Notable for modelling, composition, textures