EMAIL: NAME: Herve Berthol TOPIC: Elements COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Natural elements COUNTRY: FRANCE WEBPAGE: in construction RENDERER USED: Vue d'Esprit 2 (registered) TOOLS USED: none RENDER TIME: 1 hour 41 minutes HARDWARE USED: Pentium-90 IMAGE DESCRIPTION: When I bought Vue d'Esprit 2 in July, I started with its wonderful tutorial, then I made this picture for the IRTC. Only the four natural elements are present : - the earth (the landscapes and the distant moon), - the water (the sea), - the wind (the clouds and the waves) and - the fire (the sun). DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: Each object used is standard in Vue d'Esprit 2 (11 objects - 93476 polygons) : - 2 generated and modified landscapes (1 for the beach and 1 for the rock), - 3 palm trees, - 2 dry bushes, - 1 distant moon, - 1 beam of light, - 1 water plane and - 1 ground. The sun is represented by only 1 light. All the textures are modified textures available in Vue d'Esprit 2.