===== From nels1678@tc.umn.edu: Heh, your image made me smile a bit, but I don't really think you deserve too high of scores for the image. :) I'm sure you'll get plenty of messages, so I won't bother starting up. ===== From Sean_Hamilton@amrcorp.com: And I thought my Cthulhu pic was scary! ===== From jasondinger@hotmail.com: horribly offensive. ===== From gregj56590@aol.com: Didn't understand who was what. Never heard the song. ===== From amason@cs.uct.ac.za: weird, but then I guess it fits the inspiration :-) ===== From justin@scpmcs.org: WTH? ===== From bsieker@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de: The water surface looks very unnatural, in fact "impossible". ===== From johnson@pharmacy.arizona.edu: Guess I just don't get it. The 'water' looks more like silk sheets. ===== From karl@pemail.net: A fun image ===== From Varyk@aol.com: Oh No! I'm being attacked by Mr. Bill's evil twin! ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: Water/sky interface still need work. See "Berg" in this competition for a different approach. ===== From chipr@niestu.com: Delightfully funny concept.