===== From gregj56590@aol.com: It's hard for me to orient myself. Am I up near the kite? ===== From johnson@pharmacy.arizona.edu: Well done for a first entry! The lamp seems a bit bright, though, for a candle lantern. ===== From twins@srv.net: you type too much ===== From Sean_Hamilton@amrcorp.com: Nice job, and a unique approach to the theme1 ===== From dick@buckosoft.com: Those are some mighty big planks that Ben is standing on. ===== From caleb@chemeng.uct.ac.za: Nice 1st time ben. Its my first entry too, so i know the feeling. I gave you high on artistic merit because of those lovely green shadows and lighting effects around Ben F's feet. ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: Ambitious. Good Ben. When I first saw the rain, I thought it was cracks in a wood floor. I wish the ground below Ben was reflective with water (but watch the rendering time shoot up!) ===== From djconnel@flash.net: This image has a lot of very nice elements. The use of color is dramatic, and you make good use of texture. The biggest weakness may be10 meter elevation, The lightning is also quite good, except the edges of your bounding objects appear to be visible, which is destracting. I really like the tail on your kite! ===== From east103@dialaccess.com: Nice job with the lightning. ===== From ethelm@bigfoot.com: The idea is good and you almost made it work. There are however, things that just don't look right. The floor looks like boards when ground is expected, the shadows seem contradictory, the string is a puzzle. Looked at as symbolism it's good. ===== From blaineholmes@hotmail.com: Good work, keep it up. I like the lighting effect you get from the lantern. ===== From clem@dhol.com: Excellent use of the theme. The lightning works very well. The Franklin model is quite recognizable. Well done. The rain is at too obtuse an angle and looks more like texture on the ground. You had a technical and artistic challenge foreshortening the scene enough to fit both a recognizable Ben and a plausible storm. You handled it well. ===== From martial@biosys.net: Hope you like it! Yes I like :-) and I think that it's a good pov-works and spatch ! ===== From r@haka.saunalahti.fi: The hill fills so much of the scene that you should've concentrated more on it, perhaps tweaking the scene until it looked good without the clouds and the lightning first. Also, the shadows from the lantern are too strong - a large enough area light and fade_power 2 would help. [Reality check: the line looks way too thick for a kite that small, and it bending that way can only mean the kite's just about to crash on poor Ben..]