EMAIL: NAME: Joey Mendoza TOPIC: First Encounter COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT TITLE: First EnCOWnter COUNTRY: USA WEBPAGE: RENDERER USED: POV-RAY 3.0 TOOLS USED: Something to convert the cow from a dxf to an include file... RENDER TIME: ~10 mins HARDWARE USED: Pentium 200MMX IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Man's first encounter with a strange being... DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: Well, I found the cow on a CD somewhere and was messing around when I noticed this topic, and I thought: "Whoa!" So I pretty much put the cow there, added some ground fog, added some atmosphere, added a big cylindrical light above the cow, and then took the water from this other thing I've been working on and BANG! There you go!