EMAIL: NAME: Tim Anderson? TOPIC: First Encounter COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Mystical Vortex!!! COUNTRY: USA WEBPAGE: Still no such luck! RENDERER USED: POV-Ray 3.02 TOOLS USED: PoVSB, sPatch, POV-Ray RENDER TIME: 19 hours, 22 minutes and 4 seconds (0.3 AA) HARDWARE USED: IBM Aptiva IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Well, to make a long story short, Johnny and Sue had a really BAD first encounter with teleportation magic, and now they're stuck in a vortex. Where they'll wind up, no one knows. By now, it's probably pretty obvious that I'm a beginner. I need some effective commentary in order to better my skills as an Artist. So, ANY comments that you may have are welcome. Even if you just want to say hi, that's cool too. Thanks again, and good luck to all entrants. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: Most of this image was made in PoVSB, using regular shapes with weird patterns. I made a couple of the shapes using sPatch, most notably the snake at the top, and the needle near the bottom. A lot of the shapes that are in here are actually TTF objects in Wingdings font. Other than that, it's pretty standard stuff.