EMAIL: NAME: Bill Pragnell TOPIC: First Encounter COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Evening visitor COUNTRY: Great Britain WEBPAGE: None at present RENDERER USED: POVray 3.0 TOOLS USED: No others RENDER TIME: approx 30 mins HARDWARE USED: Pentium 266, 16MB RAM IMAGE DESCRIPTION: This image takes the predictable form of an alien encounter theme. On a lonely expanse of remote countryside, a bizarre spacecraft sets down near a solitary log cabin. (Probably inhabited by some poor soul whom no-one's ever going to believe). IMAGE CREATION DESCRIPTION: The image was hand-coded entirely within the POV-ray 3.0 editor. Both the ground and distant mountains were built up by trial and error using layered wrinkle patterns as height-fields in POV-ray itself. In order to prevent raised edges due to image edges, I faded the wrinkle textures to black on the visible sides. The sky is just the standard plane of turbulent bozo. The spacecraft is something I thought might look more original and alien - it is the result of several hours judicial mucking about with julia fractals. Both the exhaust plume and flaming crater in the ground are halo effects (good fun making those). The log cabin was a last-minute thing really - I was going to try an ambitious surprised-looking human figure, but buildings are so much easier. The logs are really textured all the way through with tree-rings, but sadly I had to scale the thing down for the sake of realism and all my attention to detail is almost invisible. Shucks.