TITLE: The Napkin NAME: Sean Hamilton COUNTRY: USA EMAIL: Sean_Hamilton@amrcorp.com TOPIC: First Encounter COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: POV 3.1 TOOLS USED: Moray, Paint Shop Pro RENDER TIME: Approximately 35 hours HARDWARE USED: P166 w/64 MB RAM IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A relaxing evening with a glass of whiskey, a cigar, and something more? DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: All the texutres and models are my own creation or modifications of standard textures. The writing on the napkin is a simple gif image (included) in black on white which was added to a bezier plane and finished with a very fine quilted bump map. The glass is a CSG of superellipsoids, as is the whisky. The ashtray is simple CSG as is the cigar. The cigar label is is another image map I created. It says 'cifuente y POV', (from my cigar labels at home I infer that cifuente' means 'manufactured by') The cigar smoke is a media effect across two cones. The marble countertop is very shiny, the tile floor is very dirty. Paint Shop Pro was used to make the imagemaps, and to convert the image down from its original 1200/1024 render size.