===== From rexx@sci.fi: The lensflare seems a bit out of place, but I like the bumpiness of the ground. ===== From trioker@wanadoo.fr: I think that the airplane is too close to the montain. ===== From brendthess@aol.com: Terrain - tree-covered areas need better textures. ===== From johnson@pharmacy.arizona.edu: good attention to detail. ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: Funny, as soon as I saw this image, I knew it was yours. Good concept, but the scene is (unavoidably?) a little sparse. Good landscape and atmosphere. Airplane wing needs some detail work. An unfortunate trick of the light makes it look like the wing is casting a huge shadow on the ground. ===== From clem@dhol.com: Good idea. Good research. Nice, if sparse, scenery. I would have omitted all but the core of the lens flare (i.e. no "bubbles"). A bit more variety in the green would be nice. Show or at least suggest clearings, streams, etc. Nice image. ===== From sdevet@istar.ca: WINSEAT! WIIIIIIIIIIIIIINSEAT! Don't try to deny it :) ===== From file: Would have made a nice landscape, but is unfortunately ruined by the airplane wing. Something is not right with the depth here; it appears the wing is almost resting against the ground. The lens effect does not help the picture. Otherwise, a good landscape.