===== From rexx@sci.fi: A bit too SimpleCity perhaps... ===== From jull43@ij.net: The tour would impress me more if the tree were smaller ===== From martialrameaux@multimania.com: Ouai ouais ouais Je crois bien que t'aurais du la présenter plus tôt sur nzn.fr.3d.pov :-)) En dehors de l'herbe citer sur nzn je crois que les dominos mériterai d'être plus souligbé, de mieux resortir. Peut-être une autre répartition de la lumière. ===== From sdevet@istar.ca: Quite nice! The city looks toylike, which seems appropriate. ===== From bobfranke@halcyon.com: Not much to go on here. I see little connection with the topic. The tree is pretty good, how was it made and is it supposed to wrap around the domino building.