TITLE: The Darkest Dark NAME: Bruno Gimeno COUNTRY: Spain EMAIL: aplenosol@arrakis.es TOPIC: Horror COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. JPGFILE: darkness.jpg RENDERER USED: POV-RAY 3.1g RENDER TIME: 6 secs HARDWARE USED: amd k6-2 400 mhz - 64 Mb RAM IMAGE DESCRIPTION: _que hay m_s horrible que el miedo a lo desconocido? _que puede infundirnos m_s temor que no poder saber de que criatura (real o imaginada) provienen los susurros, roces, pasos o suspiros que oimos en una noche oscura, en una habitaci_n que nos es desconocida? _acaso aquel que por accidente es enterrado vivo podr_a describirnos el terror tal y como _l lo ve -o no lo ve- o lo siente? Esta escena representa el miedo puro que todos hemos sentido ante un pasillo oscuro de nuestra infancia, en una habitaci_n a medianoche, al despertarnos s_los en el silencio de una noche de luna nueva, donde ni el susurro del viento pude distraer nuestros aterrados pensamientos. is there anything more horrible than the fear to the unknown? what can infuse us more dread that can't know from what kind of creature (real or not) came the whispers, rubbings, steps or sighs, that we feel in a dark night, in a unkwnown room? maybe that who is buried alive could tell us how is the TERROR as he feels? This scene shows the pure fear that everyone of us has ever felt in a dark corridor of our childhood, or at midnight hour, waking up alone in the silence of a new moon night, where not even the whisper of the wind can distract our terrified thoughs