TITLE: Bankruptcy NAME: Philippe LEBRETON COUNTRY: FRANCE EMAIL: sudconta@club-internet.fr WEBPAGE: http://www.multimania.com/phileb TOPIC: Ruins COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. JPGFILE: bankrupt.jpg ZIPFILE: bankrupt.zip RENDERER USED: Povray 3.1g and MegaPov TOOLS USED: MNM.EXE, 3DS2POV.EXE, LINK.INC of Chris Colefax RENDER TIME: 13 hours 02 minutes HARDWARE USED: Pentium II 300 IMAGE DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: Cette image a _t_ calcul_ avec PovRay 3.1g et MegaPov. Diff_rents _l_ments (le matelat, l'affiche et la lettre) ont _t_ model_s avec Midnight Modeleur (MNM). Dommage que le produit ne soit plus mis _ jour :-( Le personnage a _t_ r_cup_r_ sur Internet (D_sol_, je n'ai pas not_ le nom de l'auteur) fichier "MSCASSTD.3DS" transform_ gr_ce _ 3DS2POV.EXE. Enfin, la corde, que l'on ne voit pas beaucoup (!) a _t_ calcul_e par Link.inc de Chris Colefax. Tout le reste a _t_ cr__ avec du code. ============================================================ Not mastering the English well, this text has been translated automatically by Globalink. This picture has been calculated with PovRay 3.1g and MegaPov. Different elements (the mattress, the poster and the letter) have been modeled with Midnight Modeler (MNM). A pity that the product is not put up to date :-( The character has been recovered on Internet (Sorry, I didn't note the author's name) file " MSCASSTD.3DS " transformed thanks to 3DS2POV.EXE. Finally, the rope, that one doesn't see many (!) has been calculated by Link.inc of Chris Colefax.